I'm back from the outback - and what a trip! The photo above is entirely undoctored: it really is "The Red Centre."
Unfortunately, a key vehicle suffered a catastrophic transmission failure, but fortunately well into the trip and in a location where we could extricate ourselves. It happened, appropriately, just short of Lake Disappointment. However, limited though we subsequently were to a rather downmarket old 2WD miner-tranportation bus, we pressed on along an alternative route and ended up seeing a massive swath of Australia (the arrow indicates the location of the incident and our itinerary change and the insert illustrates the "swath"):
I'm still trying to catch up on everything, but hope to get back to telling some tales soon -meanwhile, here's an outback dawn (with gum tree).
Wow! Good to see you back. I look forward to further tales of your journey.
Posted by: F | July 02, 2012 at 09:25 AM