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November 20, 2011


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The daily grind!

Interesting, as ever. Strange you should mention Sandatlas, as I had just recently run into that site via a link somewhere or other. But here's a link I found at En Tequila Es Verdad, and I thought of you:

Of course, this is the same blog that gave me the Sandatlas link. I should have known.

(Under Science, naturally.)

Oh, and gigapans of the dunes at White Sands:

No offense, but if there's a facebook like button, it'll be much easier for me to share.

There is a facebook button - right next to the word "share."

Thanks for sharing this. I've been looking for some kind of abrasive to help with my projects. Do you know where the best place is to get them? I was thinking of here: http://www.hi-tech.ca/index.php/lang=en, what would you suggest?

Liam - thanks for the comment and the question. However, I fear that my personal expertise in abrasives is very much limited to amateur DIY projects and the occasional rock grinding. I had a look at the site you linked to, and they certainly seem to offer a wide range of high-tech professional products; perhaps worth contacting them directly with your specific needs(although it seems that French is the default language)? I guess one of the challenges is finding a specialist company that deals with individuals versus businesses. What kind of projects are you working on?

Thanks for sharing this great photo! I have been looking into abrasive toronto and how they can help me! I didn't know there were so many options! Can you tell me where I might be able to find more information like this? Thanks for sharing!

Where can I learn more about abrasive toronto? I think this would be an interesting topic to get more information about...

Sorry, but I'm not sure what is meant by "abrasive toronto"?!

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