I'm in the US - Philadelphia to be exact - and it's October 31st, so, HAPPY SANDY HALLOWEEN!
The reason that I'm over here is that tomorrow I must go to New York and board the Queen Mary 2.Then anchors away (although I'm sure that doesn't apply to today's maritime technology) and eastward ho, back to Southampton. During the course of the week's cruise I will regale the passengers with three talks on sand, yes, up to three hours of me telling stories of all things arenaceous. This is thanks to an arrangement between Oxford University Press and Cunard, a programme titled "Science at Sea." My main concern is that the casino might prove more seductive than sand, but I shall carry on regardless ("stay calm and carry on" being the current catchphrase in the UK, channeling Winston Churchill when times get tough).
I'm not sure how posting over the coming week will work, but I will hope to do something (I'm assured that, of course, Wi-Fi is available on board). In the meantime, here's the graphic I put together for the talks, a thematic journey from one plate, one set of cultures, to another.
I like that: "granular worlds." And nice sand-o-lantern!
Posted by: Silver Fox | October 31, 2010 at 01:34 PM
Hope you enjoy the cruise,the way many used to travel in a relaxed style from Europe to America and vice versa. The passengers wiil be fortunate to have you talk about a topic most of us take for granted.
Personally casinos have never exicted me...not much of gambler :)
Posted by: Jules | October 31, 2010 at 08:08 PM
No, it doesn't really apply to today's maritime technology - the term is anchors aweigh. ;) As in, "weigh anchor". This term is still used, but in your situation, the appropriate phrase may be "cast off lines". Depends on whether the anchor is in use at port (I wouldn't know), but I'm sure the ship has mooring lines in use at port. (End of silly pedantry.)
I certainly hope you have a fantastic time!
Posted by: F | October 31, 2010 at 11:12 PM
Aaaargh! "Aweigh"! Thanks for the not-so-silly pedantry - just goes to show where writing in a hurry will get you...
Hey ho, as you say, Sean, probably no anchors anyweigh.
And thanks to you and Jules for the best wishes - we'll see how my sermons are received.
Posted by: Sandglass | October 31, 2010 at 11:33 PM
I think you're on the same cruise as my advisor! Her name is Susan Humphris. Enjoy!
Posted by: Evelyn Mervine | November 06, 2010 at 03:09 PM