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October 31, 2010


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I like that: "granular worlds." And nice sand-o-lantern!


Hope you enjoy the cruise,the way many used to travel in a relaxed style from Europe to America and vice versa. The passengers wiil be fortunate to have you talk about a topic most of us take for granted.

Personally casinos have never exicted me...not much of gambler :)

No, it doesn't really apply to today's maritime technology - the term is anchors aweigh. ;) As in, "weigh anchor". This term is still used, but in your situation, the appropriate phrase may be "cast off lines". Depends on whether the anchor is in use at port (I wouldn't know), but I'm sure the ship has mooring lines in use at port. (End of silly pedantry.)

I certainly hope you have a fantastic time!


Aaaargh! "Aweigh"! Thanks for the not-so-silly pedantry - just goes to show where writing in a hurry will get you...

Hey ho, as you say, Sean, probably no anchors anyweigh.

And thanks to you and Jules for the best wishes - we'll see how my sermons are received.

I think you're on the same cruise as my advisor! Her name is Susan Humphris. Enjoy!

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