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May 20, 2009


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Great post(s)as usual Michael. I was listening to National Public Radio's Science Friday recently and a scientist from NASA explained that they are studying the possibility of using the Rover's arm to sort of "pole vault" the vehicle out of its predicament. The arm was not designed for something like this, but they may give it a try by using it as a method to lift the Rover out of the sand as sometimes a construction backhoe driver would do by putting their scoop down hard in the soil and using applied pressure to swing them up and out of a pit thay have sunk into.

Welcome back to the States.

Cheers :)

Hi Jules - thanks for the update - that's a fascinating and creative way of solving the problem. But the very idea of managing such an operation on Mars does boggle my mind!

I can imagine that NASA scientists will be sweating nervously also since it takes an average of 13 minutes for a radio signal to reach Earth so they will know if the maneuver was successful!

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