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March 16, 2009


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that was an awesome match. saw it live in India on the French channel TV5. didn't know you were a rugby fan too.

Absolutely! I admit that I held back a little with "thrashed" - "demolished," "dissected," and "annihilated" also came to mind. Given that the English team had been (justifiably) criticised for errors, the French bumbling was quite extraordinary - "le pauvre Sebastien Chabal"! And I could have included many more choice quotations from the French press. But I'm impressed - what time was the game shown in India????

Sunday late evening. ya, we have a cultish but sizable rugby community over here in Pune.

check out these videos:

Pune Girls Rugby

oops, link didn't come through:


Thanks for the link - I'd found it already. Good stuff - and I really like the names of the teams!

Hi Survat,

Are there any bars/restuarants in Pune that show TV5 live rugby matches? I want to catch the Welsh Irish match later today but don't have TV5.

Hi Susan - I've sent Suvrat an e-mail to let him know about your question. I won't ask who you support!




only France matches are live on TV5Monde. others will be shown time delay during the week. check Star Sports around 12 or 12.30 in the afternoon.

If you don't have cable, there is a sports bar on North Koregaon Park road called The Hidden Place where you should be able to watch these matches. I don't know if they have TV monde but they will have Star Sports.


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